2024 Oak Park Races

Tuesday 2nd July, 10 am

Heads of Camp Meeting

In the Hall

Wednesday 3rd July, TBC

Dance Lessons

In the Hall

Wednesday 3rd July, 5 pm

Damper Competition

Drop off at 5pm, Judging from 5:30 pm

Wednesday 3rd July, 8 pm

Welcome Night

Fashions o the Field “Past” and “Present”
120 years of Oak Park racing memorabilia
Lucky spot prizes & $1000 club draw
Stick horse racing & trackside action

Hilton Bar

Thursday 4th July, 9 am

Family Sports

Join us for a fun filled morning with whacky Olympic activities, giveaways and prizes.
Open ceremony: 9 am
Host Camp: Rycon
Colosseum: Old Stables

Sponsored by: Piccones IGA, The Cathedral School and B&B Comelli

Thursday 4th July TBC

Dance Lessons

In the Hall

Thursday 4th July, 4 pm

Kids Fancy Dress

Theme: Little Olympics

Sponsored by: Gillian Collins

Thursday 4th July, 8 pm

Oak Park Ball

Judging from 9 pm

Dress codes apply: event entry requires cocktail or ball attire for women and minimum jacket and tie for men. For entry in judging, ball attire is required

Friday 5th July

Race Day 1

Oak Park Racecourse


Friday 5th July

Fashions on the Field

During main race break

Kids fashions after second race 

Friday 5th July

Oak Park 600 

Boys & Girls 12 years and under. Held after last race. $5.00 entry fee

Nominate by 11 am at SurfnTurf Camp.
No nominations will be taken at the track.


Friday 5th July

Auction Day 1

After last race at the Track Bar


Friday 5th July

Fancy Dress Party

Cocktails from 8pm
Judging at 9pm – prizes best Male/Female, pair, group and most humorous


Saturday 6th July

Race Day 2

Oak Park Racecourse


Saturday 6th July

Fashions on the Field

During main race break

Kids fashions after second race


Saturday 6th July

Oak Park 600

Male & Female Open. Held after last race. $5.00 entry fee

Nominate on the day by 11 am at SurfnTurf Camp.
No nominations will be taken at the track.

Saturday 6th July

Auction Day 2

After last race at the Track Bar

Saturday 6th July

QLD Rural Presentation Night

Oak Park Hall

Thank you, to our valued sponsors
